uwp windows_每日新闻摘要:通用Windows平台(UWP)应用似乎正在提供生命支持
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uwp windows

uwp windows

Yesterday, Microsoft announced a bombshell: . Since the release of Windows 8, Microsoft has pushed Universal Windows Platform apps as the future, but with this latest shift in strategy, it’s hard to see any future for UWP.

昨天,微软宣布了一个重磅炸弹: 。 自Windows 8发行以来,Microsoft已将通用Windows平台应用程序推向了未来,但由于这种最新的战略转变,很难看到UWP的任何未来。

For those of you keeping track, this is only the latest in a string of blows to UWP. When Microsoft decided to move Edge to Chromium, that decision meant converting its browser from UWP to a native win32 app. Microsoft’s Joe Belfiore  that UWP lacked the maturity of win32 and thus missed out on essential features like multi-monitor support.

对于那些跟踪的人来说,这只是对UWP的一系列打击中的最新一例。 当微软决定将Edge迁移到Chromium时,该决定意味着将其浏览器从UWP转换为本地Win32应用程序。 微软的乔·贝尔菲(Joe Belfiore) 表示,UWP缺乏win32的成熟度,因此错过了诸如多显示器支持之类的基本功能。

Before that, Microsoft stopped developing the UWP version of its Office apps for a relatively straight forward reason. It wasn’t necessary; you won’t find a Windows device that can’t run win32 apps anymore. After all, Surface RT is long dead, and Windows Phone is fresh in the grave as well.

在此之前,出于相对直接的原因,Microsoft停止开发其Office应用程序的UWP版本。 没必要 您将找不到再无法运行win32应用程序的Windows设备。 毕竟,Surface RT早已一去不复返了,Windows Phone也很新鲜。

Ultimately, UWP comes with a significant issue: it only runs on Windows 10. And while Windows 10 is growing, that leaves out a large market of users who haven’t (or won’t) make the upgrade, and limits cross-platform capability as well. One of the benefits of deciding to move Edge to Chromium is the browser will be available on Windows 7, 8, 10, and MacOS. Until now Edge has been Windows 10 only.

最终,UWP会带来一个重大问题:它只能在Windows 10上运行。随着Windows 10的发展,这将导致大量尚未(或不会)进行升级并限制跨平台用户的市场。能力。 决定将Edge迁移到Chromium的好处之一是该浏览器将在Windows 7、8、10和MacOS上可用。 到目前为止,Edge仅适用于Windows 10。

Microsoft maintains that , and so long as it continues to support the platform that’s technically true. But as we saw with Windows Phone, support from the company isn’t enough. Developers have to do something with it too. []

只要继续支持技术上正确的平台,Microsoft就会认为仍然有效。 但是,正如我们在Windows Phone上看到的那样,仅公司的支持还不够。 开发人员也必须这样做。 [ ]

在其他新闻中: (In Other News:)

  • Target put out a recall for its store brand “Hey Dey” 3-foot lightning cables: Target needs you to bring back your “Hey Dey” lightning cables. Apparently, they suffer from minor issues like electric shock and fires. The company says it sold 90,000 units, so if you buy Target brand lightning cables, you should check if you’re affected. []

    Target召回了其商店品牌“ Hey Dey” 3英尺避雷针: Target需要您带回“ Hey Dey”避雷针。 显然,他们遭受电击和火灾等较小问题的困扰。 该公司表示已售出90,000根,因此,如果您购买Target品牌的避雷线,则应检查是否受到影响。 [ ]

  • Nreal wants to sell you a pair of $499 AR glasses: Nreal’s new AR glasses look almost like cheap plastic sunglasses, yet somehow worse. In some ways that’s an improvement over large headsets other AR glasses require. The company drove down the price by using your phone for the glasses’ brain, rather than include a computer unit like Magic Leap or Hololens. Here’s hoping the AR looks better than the hardware. []

    Nreal希望向您出售一副499美元的AR眼镜: Nreal的新款AR眼镜看上去几乎像廉价的塑料太阳镜,但在某种程度上更糟。 在某些方面,这是其他AR眼镜所需的大型耳机的改进。 该公司通过将手机用于眼镜的大脑来降低价格,而不是包括Magic Leap或Hololens这样的计算机单元。 希望AR看起来比硬件更好。 [ ]

  • Microsoft wants everyone to know—update or get wormed: We previously reported on a critical vulnerability in the remote desktop protocol. The problem was so bad, Microsoft took the unusual step of releasing a patch for Windows XP, in addition to 7, 8, and 10. Now the company is reminding everyone to take the update, as it sees evidence an exploit for the problem exists. []

    Microsoft希望每个人都知道-更新还是被蠕虫感染我们以前曾报告过远程桌面协议中的一个严重漏洞。 问题是如此严重,微软采取了非同寻常的步骤,除了7、8和10,还发布了Windows XP修补程序。现在,该公司提醒大家进行更新,因为它发现存在针对该问题的利用漏洞的证据。 。 [ ]

  • Gigabyte matches Corsair with an incredibly fast SSD: Not to be outshone by Corsair, Gigabyte announced a new AORUS NVMe Gen4 SSD. The drive can hit up to 5,000MB/s read speeds and 4,400 MB/s write performance, which is significantly faster than Samsung’s fastest NVMe SSD. The downside is you’ll need a new AMD motherboard capable of supporting PCI-E 4.0. Intel is still playing catch up and only supports the 3.0 standard. []

    技嘉以令人难以置信的快速固态硬盘与海盗船相提并论:技嘉不怕海盗船出人意料,它宣布推出新的AORUS NVMe Gen4固态硬盘。 该驱动器可以达到5,000MB / s的读取速度和4,400MB / s的写入性能,这比三星最快的NVMe SSD快得多。 缺点是您将需要能够支持PCI-E 4.0的新AMD主板。 英特尔仍在追赶,仅支持3.0标准。 [ ]

  • Samsung Galaxy Note 10 may drop the headphone jack and physical buttons: Citing unnamed sources, Android Police says it has the next Samsung Note won’t have a headphone jack. Or physical buttons. Instead of a volume rocker or power button, the phone would have capacitive and pressure sensitive areas. The only source that can verify this is Samsung of course, and they’re not saying what’s what just yet. []

    三星Galaxy Note 10可能会掉落耳机插Kong和物理按钮:匿名消息人士称,Android Police表示它对下一个三星Note没有耳机插Kong 。 或物理按钮。 该电话将具有电容和压力敏感区域,而不是音量摇杆或电源按钮。 当然,唯一可以证明这一点的消息来源是三星,他们还没有说什么。 [ ]

  • Facebook is working on voice-controlled products: Portal was just the beginning. Mark Zuckerberg announced that the company is working on several voice-controlled products, though he didn’t provide any details past that. Additionally, the social network wants to bypass Google and Alexa and release a new voice assistant. Digital Trends points out that with Facebook already installed on so many devices, its voice assistant could be a real contender. We’ll let Cortana cry in a corner about that line of thought. []

    Facebook正在开发语音控制产品:门户仅仅是个开始。 马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)宣布该公司正在开发几种语音控制产品,尽管他没有提供任何详细信息。 此外,社交网络希望绕过Google和Alexa并发布新的语音助手。 Digital Trends指出,由于Facebook已经安装在如此多的设备上,其语音助手可能是真正的竞争者。 我们将让Cortana在关于这种思路的角落里哭泣。 [ ]

  • Lego is releasing an Apollo 11 Lunar Landing set: It’s the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing, and there’s no better way to immortalize the event than to enshrine it in Lego blocks. The building block company set June 1st as the release date and a $100 price tag. The set contains 1087 pieces including astronauts and the lander. But that doesn’t appear to include any moon rocks for you to inevitably step on, causing you to regret all your life decisions. []

    乐高发布了阿波罗11号登月套装:这是阿波罗11号登月50周年,要使该事件永垂不朽,没有比在乐高积木中奉献的更好的方法了。 积木公司将发布日期定为6月1日,标价为100美元。 该套件包含1087件,包括宇航员和着陆器。 但这似乎并未包含任何让您不可避免地踩踏的月球岩石,从而使您后悔所有人生决定。 [ ]

  • Apple increases over-the-air app downloads to 200MB: To keep you from going over your cellular data limit, Apple limits over-air-downloads to a specific size. Until recently that limit was 150MB, but now the company raised that cap to 200MB. That’s a boon for app developers, who try to keep their apps under the size limit for fear that going over would prevent spontaneous purchases. It’s also pretty helpful to anyone with an unlimited data plan, as they don’t care how big the app is. []

    Apple将空中下载的应用程序下载量增加到200MB:为了防止超出蜂窝数据限制,Apple将空中下载限制为特定大小。 直到最近该限制为150MB,但现在该公司将该上限提高到200MB。 这对应用程序开发人员来说是个福音,他们担心将应用程序保持在大小限制以内,因为担心这样做会阻止自发购买。 这对于具有无限数据计划的任何人也非常有用,因为他们不在乎该应用的大小。 [ ]

Our brains do magnificent things that we readily take for granted. One example is tuning out multiple voices in favor of a preferred speaker. If you go to a noisy restaurant, so long as the background noise isn’t overwhelming, you can ignore what nearby people are saying and readily listen to your spouse, children, and so on.

我们的大脑做着宏伟的事情,这是我们理所当然的。 一个例子是调出多种声音以偏向于首选说话者。 如果您去嘈杂的餐厅,只要背景噪音不会太大,您就可以忽略附近人们在说什么,并随时听您的配偶,孩子等等。

Hearing aids, however, can’t do this. The devices can cut out generalized predictable background noise, like traffic, but focusing on one voice over another remains elusive. If you’ve ever tried to use a voice assistant like Alexa while somebody else is also talking, you’ve seen this limitation in action. Likely the voice assistant failed to understand you, and that’s because it couldn’t tell which words were important and which to discard.

但是,助听器无法做到这一点。 这些设备可以消除一般可预测的背景噪音,例如交通状况,但将注意力集中在另一种声音上仍然难以捉摸。 如果您曾经在其他人也在讲话的同时尝试过使用Alexa之类的语音助手,那么您会发现这种限制在起作用。 语音助手可能无法理解您,这是因为它无法告诉您哪些单词很重要,哪些单词应该丢弃。

Currently, the closest option we have is directional microphones that cut out sound behind your head in favor of audio ahead of you. I can say from personal experience, that helps but also leads to an issue of needing to turn your head towards the person you want to hear. In a restaurant where you may have people sitting next to you and across from you, that leads to a good deal of head swiveling.

当前,我们拥有的最接近的选择是定向麦克风,可将声音从您的头顶切下,从而使您身前的音频成为可能。 我可以从个人经验中说,这有帮助,但同时也导致需要将头转向想要听见的人的问题。 在一家餐厅里,您可能会有人坐在您旁边和您对面,这导致大量的头部旋转。

A group of scientists, however, have discovered a potential solution: scan your brainwaves. By working with epileptic patients who already had electrodes implanted directly in their brains, the researchers found that brain waves tend to mirror the sound patterns of the active speaker.

但是,一组科学家发现了一种潜在的解决方案:扫描您的脑电波。 通过与已经在其大脑中直接植入电极的癫痫患者进行合作,研究人员发现脑电波倾向于反映出活动说话者的声音模式。

The researchers believe they can use this information to train a hearing aid to focus on a “matched sound pattern” by monitoring brainwaves. Right now the hard part is measuring brainwaves. That typically requires implanting electrodes, which is a big ask for hearing aids. Figuring out a non-invasive method is the next step. []

研究人员认为,他们可以使用这些信息来训练助听器,以通过监视脑电波来关注“匹配的声音模式”。 目前最困难的部分是测量脑电波。 这通常需要植入电极,这是对助听器的一大要求。 找出非侵入性方法是下一步。 [ ]


uwp windows


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